The Artistic Symphony of Halcyon's Porcelain and Enamel Craftsmanship

Halcyon watch dial combines two crafts: porcelain dial and enamel painting, each known for their complex production processes and low success rates.

Porcelain Dial

Let's first delve into porcelain. The beauty of porcelain stems from its unique texture and luster, which are primarily determined by the various sizes of bubbles formed during the firing process. These bubbles cause complex refractions and reflections of light, producing an enchanting, glossy sheen and delicate color texture. Thus, the manual process of porcelain making and the uncertainties in firing bestow upon porcelain its distinctive aesthetic.

However, it is these very uncertainties that present challenges in achieving the high level of flatness required for watch movement installation (the tolerance must be within 0.02mm, while the average thickness of printer paper is about 0.1mm, meaning the dial's flatness must have an error margin less than one-fifth that of paper).

Therefore, apart from a few brands that strive for the ultimate, many watchmakers, in their attempt to replicate the unique light and shadow effects of porcelain, might turn to enamel dials or opt for industrial substitutes like zirconia, which is commonly used in mobile phone cases, dentures, and synthetic gemstones. However, these substitute materials differ significantly in texture and touch from genuine porcelain. In fact, pure porcelain watches are exceedingly rare in history, which itself highlights the complexity and technical challenges of creating porcelain dials.

Halcyon has gathered top porcelain experts in Jingdezhen, known as the porcelain capital, and collaborated with China's leading porcelain institutions. In advanced porcelain laboratories, after three years of meticulous adjustment of glazes and firing conditions, we finally produced porcelain dials that meet our standards. At the same time, we endeavored to preserve traditional processes and details, such as trimming, glazing, using ancient kilns, and pine wood as fuel, endowing Halcyon dials with unparalleled light and shadow effects.

Enamel Painting

Another technique employed by Halcyon, the enamel miniature painting, is not only rare but also highly challenging, regarded as one of the most complex dial-making crafts. Enamel miniature painting is renowned for its bright and vivid colors, making it an ideal choice for micro porcelain painting, capable of creating intricate, layered, and richly detailed images. The brilliance of the enamel perfectly complements the warm and gentle glow of the porcelain dial surface, enhancing the visual impact of the artwork while elevating its overall elegance.

The process of enamel miniature painting is intricate, requiring each color to be individually painted and fired, often needing multiple repetitions to complete a single piece. This not only demands great patience and skill from the artist but also carries the risk of damaging the artwork with each firing. Therefore, enamel miniature painting is not just a time-consuming process but also a high-risk artistic endeavor, challenging even the most talented artists. The complexity and risk associated with this craft further highlight the unique artistic value and craftsmanship spirit of the Halcyon dial.

Delight the life

Halcyon's mission is to allow more people to appreciate and own these art-grade watches, breaking the barrier where only a few wealthy collectors can enjoy top-tier craftsmanship. We aspire for Halcyon watches to be more than just timepieces but an artistic delight in your daily life.